Hi, Yanbe. question for 0.8 version (2007-09-03 08:08 by 匿名 #31970)
I have read your 0.7.2 verison of qr code decoder. I wanna ask what kind of changes occurred in the 0.8 version.
and for this project, especially for the decoder, what algorithms did you use. would you please list the reference? I am also doing research on improve ment of 2d barcode recognize for my dissertation . I need your help.
Basically, I obey the method of JIS-X-0510 how to recognize QR Code symbol from its image. But some un-documented method like QRCodeImageReader#applyCrossMaskingMedianFilter are used for improving decoding performance.
Some tables like QRCodeSymbol#numRSBlocks and QRCodeSymbol#numErrorCorrectionCode are ported from this specification. It is essential for process after decoder recognized symbol.
(English version of above)
It will be useful for most developers. But it costs over $100. Perhaps it is available on library.
RE: RE^2: Hi, Yanbe. question for 0.8 version (2007-09-04 02:54 by drhu00 #32000)
I know why you divided by 2. But what I don't know why you don't divided by 2 for other similar ones in //symbol has 2 types of RS blocks
Should we treat the same? I mean also divide by 2 in ReedSolomon corrector = new ReedSolomon(shorterRSBlocks[i], eccPerRSBlock);
ReedSolomon corrector = new ReedSolomon(longerRSBlocks[i - numShorterRSBlocks], eccPerRSBlock);