討論區: English (Thread #13762)

NEED HELP-URGENT! (2007-02-21 20:21 by 匿名 #27766)

Hi Yanbe,
I have download your Midlet code and also J2MEQRCode.jar iot run on mobile phones. But I have problems. Let me clear myself:
When I try to snap the picture of a QRCode on a product let s say, it fails sometimes and and sometimes does not give the correct string on phone. Rarely it works in the correct way.
Also I have run your midlet application on PC- no use of phone. At first it seems to be working well but when I try to decode the images that I have captured by phone it says decoding... but then nothing! since these images are not so clear.but if I have try with another decoder tool-different from yours- it is decoded the same image in the correct way. So what can I do?

Th most important thing for me is to run the code on mobile phones because we are working in research and development center of a very big company and we want to show our famous customers your application-- that is taking the images of qrcodes in real life and then show the decoded string using MOBILE PHONE. Could you please help me ASAP? I have to handle it in a very few days because. Thanks in advance,


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RE: NEED HELP-URGENT! (2007-02-21 22:01 by yanbe #27767)


This is Yusuke Yanbe, a project leader and main developper.

Because we will happy if we have a chance to utilize our decode in the real world, I will help you.

J2MEQRCode is one of application by GuoQing Hu, a member of our project.
Because it is using older version library, its performance is rather low than current version.

From this background, you can select 1 of 2 approach.

a. Please ask Hu QuoHong to update library used in his application. You can contact him via developper's list of our project ( http://sourceforge.jp/project/memberlist.php?group_id=1585 )

b. I suppose that the decoder you tried later is bin/qrcodeMIDlet.jad in qrcode.zip, a release file available from this project page. If it was true, I think I can customize it for you if you have any problem in qrcodeMIDlet example application. Also, I have just noticed bin/qrcodeMIDlet.jad in release file did not applied last update of decoder engine. So I would like to apply and update release file soon.
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RE: NEED HELP-URGENT! (2007-10-03 16:56 by 匿名 #32640)

Hi all, I'm still getting the same error as the OP. I'm using the latest version 0.8 and I think it the bug should be solved by now as Yanbe wrote about the update in 2007/2, and latest release was in 2007/9. Can you please explain if the bug is not fixed yet, or I'm doing something wrong maybe. Thanks a lot, Faheem.
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RE: NEED HELP-URGENT! (2007-10-09 05:24 by drhu00 #32686)

There are still some bugs on the reed solomn code. That would be give the wrong decode string. I have a new fix of the code and after the final testing I'll send to Yanbe to include in our next release. For immediate solve your problem, contact me at drhu00@yahoo.com
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