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nicorank: List of commits

修訂. 時間 作者
r257 2017-03-08 08:41:15 rankingloid

Fix tag search (Thanks to Marky-san)

r256 2017-03-06 00:09:54 rankingloid

Cope with the new niconico API (Thanks to Marky-san)

r255 2015-11-23 23:00:22 rankingloid

Cope with the issue that titles become 'false' when searching videos by API

r254 2015-11-02 00:59:38 rankingloid


r253 2014-11-25 20:22:52 rankingloid

Clean codes and Write version number (3.0)

r252 2014-11-25 20:17:47 rankingloid

Update Copyright

r251 2014-11-25 20:05:09 rankingloid

Add SearchTagByAPI

r250 2014-11-25 18:22:01 rankingloid

Change .netframework version v2.0 -> v3.5

r249 2014-11-25 18:17:33 rankingloid

Add ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll to the project

r248 2014-11-25 18:16:45 rankingloid

Add ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll to the project

r247 2014-11-25 18:12:16 rankingloid

Fix reading cookie from firefox profile

r246 2014-11-25 18:07:27 rankingloid

Add app.config

r245 2014-11-24 20:12:43 rankingloid

Fix AddMylist (written by marky-san)

r244 2014-11-24 19:47:18 rankingloid

Cope with Niconico GINZA version (Thanks to Asarima-san and marky-san)

r243 2011-04-30 01:06:35 rankingloid

add 'fav' (sougou) in DownloadRanking

r242 2011-04-29 17:41:35 rankingloid

Erase the version number of Firefox in the radiobuttons for choosing browser.

r241 2011-04-29 12:51:06 rankingloid

Fix search tag option

r240 2011-03-22 02:42:32 rankingloid

Add NicoRankMakerUtility (common utility for commandline and GUI version)

r239 2011-02-24 21:44:04 rankingloid

Cope with changing html (nicovideo side).

r238 2011-02-24 21:00:03 rankingloid

Do not redirect StandardOutput in RunProcess. (Cope with deadlock.)

r237 2011-01-16 19:37:23 rankingloid

Add GPL2 copyright

r236 2011-01-16 19:36:03 rankingloid

Add option -c (set config file path)

r235 2011-01-16 18:33:03 rankingloid

Add nrmc (command line version)

r234 2011-01-16 02:37:11 rankingloid

Add FormMultipleMylist

r233 2011-01-16 02:22:22 rankingloid

Add AddMultipleMylist

r232 2010-10-31 21:04:05 rankingloid

Add the feature of UpdatePoint

r231 2010-10-31 12:33:46 rankingloid

Add the option of IsSendingUserSession (for searchtag)

r230 2010-10-31 11:59:47 rankingloid

not output log folder when searching tag

r229 2010-10-31 11:56:08 rankingloid

not output log folder when searching tag

r228 2010-10-31 03:26:53 rankingloid

Add UserAgent for all network connection

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