[MinGW-Users] Is there a MinGW counterpart of Visual C++ directive #import?

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Anton Shepelev anton****@gmail*****
Tue Dec 22 19:49:13 JST 2020

Richard Brown:

> How is the type library used in C++ codes that are to be
> compiled with MinGW g++?
> Is there a way to do it as simple as #import "foo.tlb"
> when using MinGW instead of Visual C++?

Do you mean Windows COM-objects?  I don't know if there is
any support for them in MinGW.

> If it isn't implemented yet, what is the best plan B? Any
> suggestion?  Thanks.

I can only refer you to Jeff Glatt's article:

                       COM in plain C
        How to create/use COM components in plain C,
       without MFC, ATL, WTL, or any other framework.

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