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2009-04-14 18:16
CVS Commit
2009-03-29 16:31
SVN: rev 132
2009-03-29 16:31
SVN: rev 131
2009-01-29 07:07
SVN: rev 129


2008-09-22 18:11
make check fails with following errors: xmllint --noout --noent --path C:./C --xinclude --postvalid ./C/gsynaptic...
2008-09-05 20:42
hi, i'm new to ubuntu 8.04.1, migrated from XP, 1]i'm using UBUNTU 8.04[]description: Ubuntu 8.04.1], and dual b...
2008-08-27 23:24
patch in the attachment
2008-08-03 16:14
I'm not certain if this bug related to Gsynaptics, or my linux distro (witch is Hungarian), but if I start the Gsyn...
2008-05-25 23:28
Hi ! I'm a user of gsynaptics and I think something is missing. What could be great is to add a checkbox to auto...

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