討論區: gnupackフォーラム (Thread #38153)

window10でうまくEmacsが起動しない (2016-10-29 18:56 by elect #78944)

先日gnupack-pretest_devel-2016.08.14をwin10(Annyversary upate未導入,VAIO Z)に入れてみたところ、cygwin,gvimは起動したものの、emacsだけが起動しませんでした。app内にあるrunemacs.exeでは、cygwin1.dllがないため起動できなかった、という旨のメッセージが出てきました。この場合はcygwinを再インストールすべきですか?それともgnupackのバージョンの低いものを入れるべきですか?また、別の解決策があればご教授下さい。

回覆 #78944×

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startup_debug.log (2016-10-29 18:58 by elect #78945)

[18:44:01.095] L 387: 起動処理を開始
[18:44:01.095] L 388:
[18:44:01.095] L 395: GetProgParam
[18:44:01.095] L 396:
[18:44:01.095] L 399: >> 起動プログラムバージョンを設定
[18:44:01.095] L 401: Prog[Ver] = '1.05'
[18:44:01.095] L 402:
[18:44:01.095] L 405: >> 起動プログラムパスを設定
[18:44:01.095] L 412: Prog[Path] = 'C:\Users\elect\Documents\gnupack-pretest_devel-2016.08.14\startup_emacs.exe'
[18:44:01.095] L 413:
[18:44:01.095] L 416: >> 起動プログラム名を設定
[18:44:01.095] L 418: Prog[File] = 'startup_emacs.exe'
[18:44:01.095] L 419:
[18:44:01.095] L 422: >> 起動プログラム名(拡張子なし)を設定
[18:44:01.095] L 425: Prog[Name] = 'startup_emacs'
[18:44:01.095] L 426:
[18:44:01.095] L 429: >> 起動プログラム格納ディレクトリを設定
[18:44:01.095] L 432: Prog[Dir] = 'C:\Users\elect\Documents\gnupack-pretest_devel-2016.08.14'
[18:44:01.095] L 433:
[18:44:01.095] L 443: GetInputParam
[18:44:01.095] L 444:
[18:44:01.095] L 457: >> 設定ファイル(startup_config.ini)パスを設定
[18:44:01.095] L 453: Envs[Config_File] = ${GNUPACK_CONFIG} = ''
[18:44:01.095] L 459:
[18:44:01.095] L 462: >> gnupackインストールパスを設定
[18:44:01.110] L 453: Envs[Root_Dir] = ${GNUPACK_ROOT} = ''
[18:44:01.110] L 464:
[18:44:01.110] L 533: >> コマンドライン引数を設定
[18:44:01.110] L 544:
[18:44:01.110] L 620: SetLogFile
[18:44:01.110] L 621:
[18:44:01.110] L 624: >> ログファイルパスを設定
[18:44:01.110] L 629: Debug_File = Prog[Dir] + startup_debug.log = 'C:\Users\elect\Documents\gnupack-pretest_devel-2016.08.14\startup_debug.log'
[18:44:01.110] L 636:
[18:44:01.110] L 643: SetConfigFile
[18:44:01.110] L 644:
[18:44:01.110] L 647: >> 設定ファイルパスを設定
[18:44:01.126] L 668: Config_File = Prog[Dir] + startup_config.ini = 'C:\Users\elect\Documents\gnupack-pretest_devel-2016.08.14\startup_config.ini'
[18:44:01.126] L 676:
[18:44:01.126] L 683: GetConfigParam
[18:44:01.126] L 684:
[18:44:01.126] L 691: >> 起動プログラム種別を設定
[18:44:01.141] L 709: Startup_Type = 'startup_emacs.exe'
[18:44:01.141] L 710:
[18:44:01.141] L 713: >> 設定ファイル パラメータ取得
[18:44:01.141] L 730: [Reserved Variable]
[18:44:01.141] L 765: ROOT_DIR = ''
[18:44:01.141] L 765: DESKTOP_DIR = ''
[18:44:01.157] L 765: USER = ''
[18:44:01.157] L 765: INIT_DIR = ''
[18:44:01.157] L 730: [Local Variable]
[18:44:01.157] L 765: CYGWIN_DIR = '%ROOT_DIR%\app\cygwin\cygwin'
[18:44:01.157] L 765: LOCAL_DIR = '%ROOT_DIR%\app\cygwin\local'
[18:44:01.157] L 765: EMACS_DIR = '%ROOT_DIR%\app\cygwin\emacs'
[18:44:01.157] L 765: cmd.exe = 'C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe'
[18:44:01.157] L 765: bash.exe = '%CYGWIN_DIR%\bin\bash.exe'
[18:44:01.174] L 765: dash.exe = '%CYGWIN_DIR%\bin\dash.exe'
[18:44:01.176] L 765: term.exe = '%CYGWIN_DIR%\bin\mintty.exe'
[18:44:01.178] L 765: emacs.exe = '%EMACS_DIR%\bin\runemacs.exe'
[18:44:01.179] L 765: emacsclient.exe = '%EMACS_DIR%\bin\emacsclientw.exe'
[18:44:01.179] L 765: gvim.exe = '%ROOT_DIR%\app\vim\gvim.exe'
[18:44:01.179] L 730: [Process Variable]
[18:44:01.179] L 765: CYGWIN_DIR = '%ROOT_DIR%\app\cygwin\cygwin'
[18:44:01.179] L 765: HOME = '%ROOT_DIR%\home'
[18:44:01.179] L 765: TMP = '%TEMP%\gnupack'
[18:44:01.179] L 765: TEMP = '%TMP%'
[18:44:01.195] L 765: SHELL = '/bin/bash'
[18:44:01.195] L 765: CYGWIN = 'winsymlinks:lnk'
[18:44:01.195] L 765: MAKE_MODE = 'unix'
[18:44:01.195] L 765: TZ = 'JST-9'
[18:44:01.195] L 765: LANG = 'ja_JP.utf8'
[18:44:01.195] L 765: PATH = ''
[18:44:01.195] L 765: PATH = '%PATH%;%EMACS_DIR%\bin'
[18:44:01.195] L 765: PATH = '%PATH%;%LOCAL_DIR%\bin'
[18:44:01.210] L 765: PATH = '%PATH%;%CYGWIN_DIR%\bin'
[18:44:01.210] L 765: PATH = '%PATH%;%ROOT_DIR%\app\script'
[18:44:01.210] L 765: PATH = '%PATH%;%ROOT_DIR%\app\vim'
[18:44:01.210] L 765: PATH = '%PATH%;%windir%\system32;%windir%;%windir%\system32\Wbem'
[18:44:01.210] L 765: PATH = '%PATH%;%WINDIR%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0'
[18:44:01.210] L 730: [Private Font]
[18:44:01.210] L 765: Font = '%ROOT_DIR%\app\font\migu-1m\migu-1m-regular.ttf'
[18:44:01.226] L 765: Font = '%ROOT_DIR%\app\font\migu-1m\migu-1m-bold.ttf'
[18:44:01.226] L 730: [Mount Table]
[18:44:01.226] L 765: Point = 'none ; / ; cygdrive; binary,nouser,noacl,posix=0;'
[18:44:01.226] L 765: Point = '%HOME% ; /home ; ntfs ; binary,nouser,noacl,posix=0;'
[18:44:01.226] L 765: Point = '%TEMP% ; /tmp ; ntfs ; binary,nouser,noacl,posix=0;'
[18:44:01.226] L 765: Point = '%LOCAL_DIR% ; /usr/local; ntfs ; binary,nouser,noacl,posix=0;'
[18:44:01.226] L 765: Point = '%ROOT_DIR% ; /root ; ntfs ; binary,nouser,noacl,posix=0;'
[18:44:01.242] L 765: Point = '%ROOT_DIR%\app ; /app ; ntfs ; binary,nouser,noacl,posix=0;'
[18:44:01.242] L 765: Point = '%DESKTOP_DIR% ; /desktop ; ntfs ; binary,nouser,noacl,posix=0;'
[18:44:01.242] L 765: Point = '%DESKTOP_DIR% ; /top ; ntfs ; binary,nouser,noacl,posix=0;'
[18:44:01.242] L 730: [startup_cygwin.exe]
[18:44:01.242] L 765: Cmdline_Image = '"%term.exe%" -e "%bash.exe%"'
[18:44:01.242] L 765: Application_Id = 'Mintty'
[18:44:01.242] L 765: Init_Current_Dir = '%DESKTOP_DIR%'
[18:44:01.257] L 765: Chdir_With_Clipboard = 'yes'
[18:44:01.257] L 765: Synchronous_Run = 'no'
[18:44:01.257] L 765: Load_Private_Font = 'yes'
[18:44:01.257] L 765: Tune_Cygwin_Mount = 'yes'
[18:44:01.257] L 765: Tune_Cygwin_Profile = 'yes'
[18:44:01.257] L 765: Convert_Cygwin_Path = 'yes'
[18:44:01.257] L 730: [Startup Variable]
[18:44:01.273] L 765: Cmdline_Image = '"%emacs.exe%"'
[18:44:01.276] L 765: Application_Id = 'GNU.Emacs'
[18:44:01.278] L 765: Init_Current_Dir = '%DESKTOP_DIR%'
[18:44:01.279] L 765: Chdir_With_Clipboard = 'no'
[18:44:01.279] L 765: Synchronous_Run = 'no'
[18:44:01.279] L 765: Load_Private_Font = 'yes'
[18:44:01.279] L 765: Tune_Cygwin_Mount = 'yes'
[18:44:01.279] L 765: Tune_Cygwin_Profile = 'yes'
[18:44:01.279] L 765: Convert_Cygwin_Path = 'yes'
[18:44:01.279] L 730: [startup_emacsclient.exe]
[18:44:01.294] L 765: Cmdline_Image = '"%emacsclient.exe%" -q -n -s ~/.emacs.d/server'
[18:44:01.294] L 765: Application_Id = 'GNU.Emacs'
[18:44:01.294] L 765: Init_Current_Dir = '%DESKTOP_DIR%'
[18:44:01.294] L 765: Chdir_With_Clipboard = 'no'
[18:44:01.294] L 765: Synchronous_Run = 'no'
[18:44:01.294] L 765: Load_Private_Font = 'yes'
[18:44:01.294] L 765: Tune_Cygwin_Mount = 'yes'
[18:44:01.310] L 765: Tune_Cygwin_Profile = 'yes'
[18:44:01.310] L 765: Convert_Cygwin_Path = 'yes'
[18:44:01.310] L 765: Alt_Cmd_Image = '"%emacs.exe%"'
[18:44:01.310] L 730: [startup_gvim.exe]
[18:44:01.310] L 765: Cmdline_Image = '"%gvim.exe%"'
[18:44:01.310] L 765: Application_Id = ''
[18:44:01.310] L 765: Init_Current_Dir = '%DESKTOP_DIR%'
[18:44:01.326] L 765: Chdir_With_Clipboard = 'no'
[18:44:01.326] L 765: Synchronous_Run = 'no'
[18:44:01.326] L 765: Load_Private_Font = 'yes'
[18:44:01.326] L 730: [run_rebaseall.exe]
[18:44:01.326] L 765: Cmdline_Image = '"%dash.exe%" -c '/app/script/run_rebaseall.sh /app/cygwin /home''
[18:44:01.326] L 730: [run_peflagsall.exe]
[18:44:01.326] L 765: Cmdline_Image = '"%dash.exe%" -c '/app/script/run_peflagsall.sh /app/cygwin /home''
[18:44:01.341] L 730: [run_takeown_icacls.exe]
[18:44:01.341] L 765: Cmdline_Image = '"%cmd.exe%" /c "takeown /f * /r & icacls . /grant %USERNAME%:F /t & pause"'
[18:44:01.341] L 765: Init_Current_Dir = '%ROOT_DIR%\app\cygwin'
[18:44:01.341] L 730: [Internal Variable]
[18:44:01.341] L 765: Private_Font_Cache_Dir = '%USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Temp\fontcache'
[18:44:01.341] L 765: Unload_Private_Font = 'no'
[18:44:01.357] L 765: Make_Passwd_Cmd = '"/app/script/mkpasswd.pl $USER /home"'
[18:44:01.357] L 765: Make_Group_Cmd = '"/app/script/mkgroup.pl"'
[18:44:01.357] L 774:
[18:44:01.357] L 783: SetProcEnv
[18:44:01.357] L 784:
[18:44:01.357] L 787: >> 独自環境変数(reserved variable)を設定(gnupackインストールパス)
[18:44:01.357] L 810: Root_Dir = Prog[Dir] = 'C:\Users\elect\Documents\gnupack-pretest_devel-2016.08.14'
[18:44:01.357] L 826:
[18:44:01.374] L 830: >> 独自環境変数(reserved variable)を設定(デスクトップのディレクトリパス)
[18:44:01.376] L 846: Desktop_Dir = System = 'C:\Users\elect\Desktop'
[18:44:01.378] L 865:
[18:44:01.378] L 869: >> 独自環境変数(reserved variable)を設定(ログオン ユーザ名)
[18:44:01.378] L 886: User = System = 'elect'
[18:44:01.378] L 897:
[18:44:01.378] L 902: >> 一時環境変数(local variable)を設定
[18:44:01.378] L 918: CYGWIN_DIR = 'C:\Users\elect\Documents\gnupack-pretest_devel-2016.08.14\app\cygwin\cygwin'
[18:44:01.378] L 918: LOCAL_DIR = 'C:\Users\elect\Documents\gnupack-pretest_devel-2016.08.14\app\cygwin\local'
[18:44:01.395] L 918: EMACS_DIR = 'C:\Users\elect\Documents\gnupack-pretest_devel-2016.08.14\app\cygwin\emacs'
[18:44:01.395] L 918: cmd.exe = 'C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe'
[18:44:01.395] L 918: bash.exe = 'C:\Users\elect\Documents\gnupack-pretest_devel-2016.08.14\app\cygwin\cygwin\bin\bash.exe'
[18:44:01.395] L 918: dash.exe = 'C:\Users\elect\Documents\gnupack-pretest_devel-2016.08.14\app\cygwin\cygwin\bin\dash.exe'
[18:44:01.395] L 918: term.exe = 'C:\Users\elect\Documents\gnupack-pretest_devel-2016.08.14\app\cygwin\cygwin\bin\mintty.exe'
[18:44:01.395] L 918: emacs.exe = 'C:\Users\elect\Documents\gnupack-pretest_devel-2016.08.14\app\cygwin\emacs\bin\runemacs.exe'
[18:44:01.395] L 918: emacsclient.exe = 'C:\Users\elect\Documents\gnupack-pretest_devel-2016.08.14\app\cygwin\emacs\bin\emacsclientw.exe'
[18:44:01.410] L 918: gvim.exe = 'C:\Users\elect\Documents\gnupack-pretest_devel-2016.08.14\app\vim\gvim.exe'
[18:44:01.410] L 921:
[18:44:01.410] L 902: >> 一時環境変数(startup variable)を設定
[18:44:01.410] L 918: Cmdline_Image = '"C:\Users\elect\Documents\gnupack-pretest_devel-2016.08.14\app\cygwin\emacs\bin\runemacs.exe"'
[18:44:01.410] L 918: Application_Id = 'GNU.Emacs'
[18:44:01.410] L 918: Init_Current_Dir = 'C:\Users\elect\Desktop'
[18:44:01.410] L 918: Chdir_With_Clipboard = 'no'
[18:44:01.426] L 918: Synchronous_Run = 'no'
[18:44:01.426] L 918: Load_Private_Font = 'yes'
[18:44:01.426] L 918: Tune_Cygwin_Mount = 'yes'
[18:44:01.426] L 918: Tune_Cygwin_Profile = 'yes'
[18:44:01.426] L 918: Convert_Cygwin_Path = 'yes'
[18:44:01.426] L 921:
[18:44:01.426] L 902: >> プロセス環境変数(environment variable)を設定
[18:44:01.441] L 918: CYGWIN_DIR = 'C:\Users\elect\Documents\gnupack-pretest_devel-2016.08.14\app\cygwin\cygwin'
[18:44:01.441] L 918: HOME = 'C:\Users\elect\Documents\gnupack-pretest_devel-2016.08.14\home'
[18:44:01.441] L 918: TMP = 'C:\Users\elect\AppData\Local\Temp\gnupack'
[18:44:01.441] L 918: TEMP = 'C:\Users\elect\AppData\Local\Temp\gnupack'
[18:44:01.441] L 918: SHELL = '/bin/bash'
[18:44:01.441] L 918: CYGWIN = 'winsymlinks:lnk'
[18:44:01.441] L 918: MAKE_MODE = 'unix'
[18:44:01.457] L 918: TZ = 'JST-9'
[18:44:01.457] L 918: LANG = 'ja_JP.utf8'
[18:44:01.457] L 918: PATH = ''
[18:44:01.457] L 918: PATH = ';C:\Users\elect\Documents\gnupack-pretest_devel-2016.08.14\app\cygwin\emacs\bin'
[18:44:01.457] L 918: PATH = ';C:\Users\elect\Documents\gnupack-pretest_devel-2016.08.14\app\cygwin\emacs\bin;C:\Users\elect\Documents\gnupack-pretest_devel-2016.08.14\app\cygwin\local\bin'
[18:44:01.457] L 918: PATH = ';C:\Users\elect\Documents\gnupack-pretest_devel-2016.08.14\app\cygwin\emacs\bin;C:\Users\elect\Documents\gnupack-pretest_devel-2016.08.14\app\cygwin\local\bin;C:\Users\elect\Documents\gnupack-pretest_devel-2016.08.14\app\cygwin\cygwin\bin'
[18:44:01.457] L 918: PATH = ';C:\Users\elect\Documents\gnupack-pretest_devel-2016.08.14\app\cygwin\emacs\bin;C:\Users\elect\Documents\gnupack-pretest_devel-2016.08.14\app\cygwin\local\bin;C:\Users\elect\Documents\gnupack-pretest_devel-2016.08.14\app\cygwin\cygwin\bin;C:\Users\elect\Documents\gnupack-pretest_devel-2016.08.14\app\script'
[18:44:01.474] L 918: PATH = ';C:\Users\elect\Documents\gnupack-pretest_devel-2016.08.14\app\cygwin\emacs\bin;C:\Users\elect\Documents\gnupack-pretest_devel-2016.08.14\app\cygwin\local\bin;C:\Users\elect\Documents\gnupack-pretest_devel-2016.08.14\app\cygwin\cygwin\bin;C:\Users\elect\Documents\gnupack-pretest_devel-2016.08.14\app\script;C:\Users\elect\Documents\gnupack-pretest_devel-2016.08.14\app\vim'
[18:44:01.476] L 918: PATH = ';C:\Users\elect\Documents\gnupack-pretest_devel-2016.08.14\app\cygwin\emacs\bin;C:\Users\elect\Documents\gnupack-pretest_devel-2016.08.14\app\cygwin\local\bin;C:\Users\elect\Documents\gnupack-pretest_devel-2016.08.14\app\cygwin\cygwin\bin;C:\Users\elect\Documents\gnupack-pretest_devel-2016.08.14\app\script;C:\Users\elect\Documents\gnupack-pretest_devel-2016.08.14\app\vim;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\system32\Wbem'
[18:44:01.478] L 918: PATH = ';C:\Users\elect\Documents\gnupack-pretest_devel-2016.08.14\app\cygwin\emacs\bin;C:\Users\elect\Documents\gnupack-pretest_devel-2016.08.14\app\cygwin\local\bin;C:\Users\elect\Documents\gnupack-pretest_devel-2016.08.14\app\cygwin\cygwin\bin;C:\Users\elect\Documents\gnupack-pretest_devel-2016.08.14\app\script;C:\Users\elect\Documents\gnupack-pretest_devel-2016.08.14\app\vim;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\system32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0'
[18:44:01.479] L 921:
[18:44:01.479] L 939: GetAppsParam
[18:44:01.479] L 940:
[18:44:01.479] L 972: >> 起動プログラムの起動文字列を設定
[18:44:01.479] L 983: Apps[Cmdline_Image] = '"C:\Users\elect\Documents\gnupack-pretest_devel-2016.08.14\app\cygwin\emacs\bin\runemacs.exe"'
[18:44:01.479] L 984:
[18:44:01.479] L 989: >> アプリケーションIDを設定
[18:44:01.495] L 952: Apps[Application_Id] = 'GNU.Emacs'
[18:44:01.495] L 953:
[18:44:01.495] L 994: >> 起動時のカレントディレクトリを設定
[18:44:01.495] L1032: Apps[Init_Current_Dir] = Conf[Init_Current_Dir] = 'C:\Users\elect\Desktop'
[18:44:01.495] L1039:
[18:44:01.495] L1047: >> クリップボード上のパスへのディレクトリ移動フラグを設定
[18:44:01.495] L 952: Apps[Chdir_With_Clipboard] = 'no'
[18:44:01.511] L 953:
[18:44:01.511] L1052: >> 起動プログラム同期実行フラグを設定
[18:44:01.511] L1061: Apps[Synchronous_Run] = Conf[Synchronous_Run] = 'no'
[18:44:01.511] L1064:
[18:44:01.511] L1068: >> プライベートフォントの動的ロードフラグを設定
[18:44:01.511] L 952: Apps[Load_Private_Font] = 'yes'
[18:44:01.511] L 953:
[18:44:01.526] L1072: >> プライベートフォントのアンロードフラグを設定
[18:44:01.526] L 965: Apps[Unload_Private_Font] = 'no'
[18:44:01.526] L 966:
[18:44:01.526] L1076: >> cygwinのマウントポイント自動調整フラグを設定
[18:44:01.526] L 952: Apps[Tune_Cygwin_Mount] = 'yes'
[18:44:01.526] L 953:
[18:44:01.526] L1080: >> cygwinのプロファイルの自動調整フラグを設定
[18:44:01.526] L 952: Apps[Tune_Cygwin_Profile] = 'yes'
[18:44:01.542] L 953:
[18:44:01.542] L1084: >> Windowsパス形式→cygwinパス形式変換フラグを設定
[18:44:01.542] L 952: Apps[Convert_Cygwin_Path] = 'yes'
[18:44:01.542] L 953:
[18:44:01.542] L1089: >> 代替プログラムの起動文字列を設定
[18:44:01.542] L1106:
[18:44:01.542] L1114: LoadPrivateFont
[18:44:01.542] L1115:
[18:44:01.542] L1120: >> フォント格納ディレクトリパスを取得
[18:44:01.557] L1127: Font Cache Dir = 'C:\Users\elect\Local Settings\Temp\fontcache'
[18:44:01.557] L1128:
[18:44:01.557] L1165: >> プライベートフォント migu-1m-regular.ttfをロード
[18:44:01.557] L1167: Remove Font = 'C:\Users\elect\Local Settings\Temp\fontcache\migu-1m-regular.ttf'
[18:44:01.557] L1169: Regist Font = 'C:\Users\elect\Local Settings\Temp\fontcache\migu-1m-regular.ttf'
[18:44:01.577] L1173:
[18:44:01.579] L1165: >> プライベートフォント migu-1m-bold.ttfをロード
[18:44:01.583] L1167: Remove Font = 'C:\Users\elect\Local Settings\Temp\fontcache\migu-1m-bold.ttf'
[18:44:01.587] L1169: Regist Font = 'C:\Users\elect\Local Settings\Temp\fontcache\migu-1m-bold.ttf'
[18:44:01.595] L1173:
[18:44:01.595] L1186: TuneCygwinMount
[18:44:01.595] L1197: >> /etc/fstabのファイルパスを取得
[18:44:01.595] L1201: /etc/fstab = 'C:\Users\elect\Documents\gnupack-pretest_devel-2016.08.14\app\cygwin\cygwin\etc\fstab'
[18:44:01.595] L1202:
[18:44:01.595] L1226: >> 更新用 /etc/fstabのエントリを生成
[18:44:01.595] L1228: 'none ; / ; cygdrive; binary,nouser,noacl,posix=0;'
[18:44:01.595] L1228: '%HOME% ; /home ; ntfs ; binary,nouser,noacl,posix=0;'
[18:44:01.610] L1228: '%TEMP% ; /tmp ; ntfs ; binary,nouser,noacl,posix=0;'
[18:44:01.610] L1228: '%LOCAL_DIR% ; /usr/local; ntfs ; binary,nouser,noacl,posix=0;'
[18:44:01.610] L1228: '%ROOT_DIR% ; /root ; ntfs ; binary,nouser,noacl,posix=0;'
[18:44:01.610] L1228: '%ROOT_DIR%\app ; /app ; ntfs ; binary,nouser,noacl,posix=0;'
[18:44:01.610] L1228: '%DESKTOP_DIR% ; /desktop ; ntfs ; binary,nouser,noacl,posix=0;'
[18:44:01.610] L1228: '%DESKTOP_DIR% ; /top ; ntfs ; binary,nouser,noacl,posix=0;'
[18:44:01.610] L1301:
[18:44:01.610] L1305: >> 更新前 /etc/fstabを出力
[18:44:01.626] L1306:
# For a description of the file format, see the Users Guide
# http://cygwin.com/cygwin-ug-net/using.html#mount-table
# This is default anyway:
# none /cygdrive cygdrive binary,posix=0,user 0 0
none / cygdrive binary,nouser,noacl,posix=0 0 0
C:/Users/elect/Documents/gnupack-pretest_devel-2016.08.14/home /home ntfs binary,nouser,noacl,posix=0 0 0
C:/Users/elect/AppData/Local/Temp/gnupack /tmp ntfs binary,nouser,noacl,posix=0 0 0
C:/Users/elect/Documents/gnupack-pretest_devel-2016.08.14/app/cygwin/local /usr/local ntfs binary,nouser,noacl,posix=0 0 0
C:/Users/elect/Documents/gnupack-pretest_devel-2016.08.14 /root ntfs binary,nouser,noacl,posix=0 0 0
C:/Users/elect/Documents/gnupack-pretest_devel-2016.08.14/app /app ntfs binary,nouser,noacl,posix=0 0 0
C:/Users/elect/Desktop /desktop ntfs binary,nouser,noacl,posix=0 0 0
C:/Users/elect/Desktop /top ntfs binary,nouser,noacl,posix=0 0 0
[18:44:01.626] L1307:
[18:44:01.626] L1309: >> 更新後 /etc/fstabを出力
[18:44:01.626] L1310:
# For a description of the file format, see the Users Guide
# http://cygwin.com/cygwin-ug-net/using.html#mount-table
# This is default anyway:
# none /cygdrive cygdrive binary,posix=0,user 0 0
none / cygdrive binary,nouser,noacl,posix=0 0 0
C:/Users/elect/Documents/gnupack-pretest_devel-2016.08.14/home /home ntfs binary,nouser,noacl,posix=0 0 0
C:/Users/elect/AppData/Local/Temp/gnupack /tmp ntfs binary,nouser,noacl,posix=0 0 0
C:/Users/elect/Documents/gnupack-pretest_devel-2016.08.14/app/cygwin/local /usr/local ntfs binary,nouser,noacl,posix=0 0 0
C:/Users/elect/Documents/gnupack-pretest_devel-2016.08.14 /root ntfs binary,nouser,noacl,posix=0 0 0
C:/Users/elect/Documents/gnupack-pretest_devel-2016.08.14/app /app ntfs binary,nouser,noacl,posix=0 0 0
C:/Users/elect/Desktop /desktop ntfs binary,nouser,noacl,posix=0 0 0
C:/Users/elect/Desktop /top ntfs binary,nouser,noacl,posix=0 0 0
[18:44:01.626] L1311:
[18:44:01.626] L1327: >> cygwinのマウントポイント(/etc/fstab)を自動調整をスキップ
[18:44:01.626] L1334:
[18:44:01.626] L1342: TuneCygwinProfile
[18:44:01.642] L1343:
[18:44:01.642] L1346: >> /etc/passwdのファイルパスを取得
[18:44:01.642] L1350: /etc/passwd = 'C:\Users\elect\Documents\gnupack-pretest_devel-2016.08.14\app\cygwin\cygwin\etc\passwd'
[18:44:01.642] L1351:
[18:44:01.642] L1354: >> /etc/groupのファイルパスを取得
[18:44:01.642] L1358: /etc/group = 'C:\Users\elect\Documents\gnupack-pretest_devel-2016.08.14\app\cygwin\cygwin\etc\group'
[18:44:01.642] L1359:
[18:44:01.657] L1439: >> cygwinのプロファイル(/etc/passwd,/etc/group)を自動調整をスキップ
[18:44:01.657] L1445:
[18:44:01.657] L1453: ConvertCygwinPath
[18:44:01.657] L1454:
[18:44:01.657] L1512: >> 起動プログラムの起動文字列を設定
[18:44:01.657] L1520: Apps[Cmdline_Image] = '"C:\Users\elect\Documents\gnupack-pretest_devel-2016.08.14\app\cygwin\emacs\bin\runemacs.exe"'
[18:44:01.657] L1522:
[18:44:01.657] L1546: UnSetProcEnv
[18:44:01.674] L1547:
[18:44:01.676] L1575: >> 一時環境変数(local variable)を開放
[18:44:01.679] L1568: skip CYGWIN_DIR
[18:44:01.679] L1565: clear LOCAL_DIR
[18:44:01.679] L1565: clear EMACS_DIR
[18:44:01.679] L1565: clear cmd.exe
[18:44:01.679] L1565: clear bash.exe
[18:44:01.679] L1565: clear dash.exe
[18:44:01.679] L1565: clear term.exe
[18:44:01.679] L1565: clear emacs.exe
[18:44:01.695] L1565: clear emacsclient.exe
[18:44:01.695] L1565: clear gvim.exe
[18:44:01.695] L1571:
[18:44:01.695] L1579: >> 一時環境変数(startup variable)を開放
[18:44:01.695] L1565: clear Cmdline_Image
[18:44:01.695] L1565: clear Application_Id
[18:44:01.695] L1565: clear Init_Current_Dir
[18:44:01.710] L1565: clear Chdir_With_Clipboard
[18:44:01.710] L1565: clear Synchronous_Run
[18:44:01.710] L1565: clear Load_Private_Font
[18:44:01.710] L1565: clear Tune_Cygwin_Mount
[18:44:01.710] L1565: clear Tune_Cygwin_Profile
[18:44:01.710] L1565: clear Convert_Cygwin_Path
[18:44:01.710] L1571:
[18:44:01.710] L1647: StartApplication
[18:44:01.726] L1648:
[18:44:01.726] L1651: >> 起動プログラムの起動文字列を設定
[18:44:01.726] L1653: Cmdline_Image = '"C:\Users\elect\Documents\gnupack-pretest_devel-2016.08.14\app\cygwin\emacs\bin\runemacs.exe"'
[18:44:01.726] L1654:
[18:44:01.726] L1657: >> 代替プログラムの起動文字列を設定
[18:44:01.726] L1659: Alt_Cmd_Image = ''
[18:44:01.726] L1660:
[18:44:01.742] L1663: >> 起動プログラム同期実行フラグを設定
[18:44:01.742] L1665: Synchronous_Run = 'no'
[18:44:01.742] L1666:
[18:44:01.742] L1669: >> 起動時のカレントディレクトリを設定
[18:44:01.742] L1671: Init_Current_Dir = 'C:\Users\elect\Desktop'
[18:44:01.742] L1673:
[18:44:01.742] L1677: >> 起動プログラムを実行
[18:44:01.742] L1678: Cmdline_Image = '"C:\Users\elect\Documents\gnupack-pretest_devel-2016.08.14\app\cygwin\emacs\bin\runemacs.exe"'
[18:44:01.977] L1680:
[18:44:01.979] L1750: 起動処理を終了(0)
[18:44:01.981] L1751:
回覆: #78944

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Re: window10でうまくEmacsが起動しない (2018-08-27 22:20 by laza9808 #81791)




ターミナルでapt-cyg install libgif7と打ってインストールしたら、意図どおり起動するようになりました。
インストール途中で、何かのデータベースが古いのでapt-cyg dist-upgradeしろ、と言われましたが全パッケージ更新する勇気はなかったので、そのまま無視しましたが…

回覆: #78944

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Re: window10でうまくEmacsが起動しない (2018-09-23 06:24 by tokuiti #81932)

Reply To Message #81791
> devel-2018.06.10で同じ症状でしたが、ターミナルで実行するとcyggif-7.dllがないと怒られました

回覆: #81791

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Windows 7でうまくEmacsが起動しない (Ex. Re: window10でうまくEmacsが起動しない) (2018-11-11 11:11 by do3 #82148)

メッセージ #81932 への返信
> Reply To Message #81791
> > devel-2018.06.10で同じ症状でしたが、ターミナルで実行するとcyggif-7.dllがないと怒られました
> 同じく起動できなかったので、参考になりました。

Windows 7でも同様に、「ターミナルで実行するとcyggif-7.dllがない」と怒られました。
ターミナルでapt-cyg install libgif7と打ってインストールしたら、意図どおり起動するようになりました。
回覆: #81932

回覆 #82148×

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Re: Windows 7でうまくEmacsが起動しない (Ex. Re: window10でうまくEmacsが起動しない) (2019-04-19 23:54 by とおりすがり #82865)

メッセージ #82148 への返信
> メッセージ #81932 への返信
> > Reply To Message #81791
> > > devel-2018.06.10で同じ症状でしたが、ターミナルで実行するとcyggif-7.dllがないと怒られました
Win10 のAMDマシンで全く同じ症状でした。

> Windows 7でも同様に、「ターミナルで実行するとcyggif-7.dllがない」と怒られました。
> ターミナルでapt-cyg install libgif7と打ってインストールしたら、意図どおり起動するようになりました。
> 助かりました!

回覆: #82148

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Re: Windows 7でうまくEmacsが起動しない (Ex. Re: window10でうまくEmacsが起動しない) (2019-04-24 08:53 by 同じとおりすがり #82882)

Windows10のThinkpad AMDマシン。
おそらくは、昨晩インストールしたAMD RADEON ドライバが原因だろう。

apt-cyg install libgcc_s-1
回覆: #82865

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