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jslibs is a standalone JavaScript development environment for using JavaScript as a general-purpose scripting language. jslibs provides a set of native modules that contains various general-purpose classes and functions. Some of these modules are simple wrappers to familiar libraries such as zlib, SQLite, FastCGI, and NSPR. Other modules provide tools to enhance JavaScript programming. The jslibs distribution comes with a small standalone command-line access program (jshost) that can be used to run JavaScript files.

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2009-12-21 23:46

This release adds many bugfixes and enhancements.

2009-06-01 17:05
0.95 r2572

New modules were added. jssvg renders Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) to an image buffer. jssdl wraps the Simple DirectMedia Layer (SDL) library API. jstask manages simultaneous JavaScript function execution using threads. jsjabber manages the XMPP protocol (Jabber Instant Messaging). jsiconv converts between different character encodings. jstrimesh manages triangle based 3D objects. jsvst is a new host that can be load as a VST plug-in. More than 225 bugfixes and 137 enhancements were made.

2008-08-19 05:34

This release includes a lot of API enhancements, many code optimizations, 12 bugfixes, 4 new modules, and 7 new classes.
標籤: Major feature enhancements

2008-03-15 20:33
2008.03.15 r1402

This release includes API enhancements and new
functions, bug and memory leak fixes, and some
performance enhancements. Documentation has been
標籤: Minor feature enhancements

2008-02-27 12:49
r1315 2008.02.26

This release includes several API enhancements and
new functions, bug and memory leak fixes, and a
lot of code optimizations. jsdebug is a new module
that has been created to manage basic debugging
tasks and to help monitor memory usage.
標籤: Major feature enhancements

Project Resources