CDI 7.0.5 can't detect NVME SSD when setting Intel RAID controller
No matter what computer I use it on. My Initio Chinese hard drive won't be detected in CrystalDiskInfo. It just ignores it.
Please test latest version. CrystalDiskInfo 8.7.0 supports Intel RST NVMe RAID.
I have download the CDI 7.0.5 want to read the S.M.A.R.T inforamton, But it can't detect NVME SSD when setting Intel RAID controller. And I have change to AHCI mode is ok to detect the NVME SSD and show the S.M.A.R.T is normally. Under the Intel RAID controller, I have replace to different brand of NVMe SSD such as Toshiba XG4/Samsung SM951/Liteon CX2 same as well. All shows no found the SSD.Seek the help to resolve on this issue and top urgent on our biz require. Thanks a lot!