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musubi: 提交

Lattice Boltzmann solver in APES. Now found at https://github.com/apes-suite/musubi

Commit MetaInfo

修訂85f0069e04922d5ab067cc3fd4cee7716e4d776a (tree)
時間2020-09-21 23:41:02
作者Harald Klimach <harald.klimach@uni-...>
CommiterHarald Klimach

Log Message

Musubi 2.0 update.

This version improves multilevel handling, boundary conditions, LES models and
the documentation.

* shear_antiBounceBack boundary condition
* added error message if kinematic_viscosity is not correctly loaded
* MRT Kernel for incompressible fluids in d3q19 and d3q27
* new examples directory with documented and regularly tested setups
* bgk_improved kernel for d2q9 and d3q27
* computing kinematic viscosity for non-newtonian model
* removed lbm_nNwtn and lbm_incomp_nNwtn
* bugfixes for nonNewtonian models
* updates to the turbulence implementation
* use OpenMP for more code-paths
* 2nd order force for multispecies_liquid
* changed config parameter kine_shear_viscosity to kinematic_visc
* mass_fraction derived variable for multispecies
* changed scheme kind lbm and lbm_incomp to fluid and fluid_incomp
* aborting now, if scaling is not acoustic for fluid and fluid_incompressible
* used order source variable to distinguish between first and second order
* corrected multispecies second order electric force terms
* generalized multispecies liquid generic compute kernel
* fixed append mixture variable
* expanded mus_harvesting to behave more like the solver
* noneq_expol boundary conditions implemented
* second-order extrapolation of density for pressure_noneq_expol boundary
* spc_solvent boundary conditions
* renamed potential_dirichlet to potential_noneq_expol boundary condition
* renamed moleDens_dirichlet to moledens_noneq_expol boundary condition
* overhaul of macro implementations
* added lattice Mach number check with configurable option to abort if above


* replaced abort in checkKineOmega with warning message
* compute and dump weights for balancing
* bugfix for turbulent viscosity calculation in WALE model
* some vectorizations for efficient computation on NEC Aurora
* removed old testsuite that may contain confusing and not anymore working

setups, instead the examples directory now offers documented and checked

* Various bugfixes

Change Summary

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