Show page source of WikiBlockProcessor #117446


= Block Processor =

By using syntax rule like the one below, you can format a block in a different way from Wiki.

 {{{ processor_name parameter1 parameter2

[[PageOutline(start=2, depth=2)]]

== Auto ==

 * Argument: nothing

If you omit the processor name, it will be automatically discriminated by this processor. That said, currently there are only two types.

If the block begins with #!, which is a shebang, it is passed to code, and everything else is passed to pre.

Intentionally, if you don't want to pass to this processor (although that is unlikely to happen), all you have to write is auto.

== pre ==

 * Argument: nothing

You can output pre format text.

 {{{ pre
what you have written
will be outputted the way you have written.
< > and the likes will be HTML escaped.

{{{ pre
what you have written
will be outputted the way you have written.
< > and the likes will be HTML escaped.

== comment ==

 * Argument: nothing

 {{{ comment
 comment block.
 It will only be shown on the edit display. You can use this, for example, when you want to draw attention while editing.

{{{ comment
 comment block.
 It will only be shown on the edit display. You can use this, for example, when you want to draw attention while editing.

== code ==

 * Argument: language name

Highlights the source code.

Currently, you can use the language name of the enscript as it is. (The supported languages are:
ada, asm, awk, bash, c, changelog, cpp, csh, delphi, diff, diffs,
diffu, dylan, eiffel, elisp, erlang, forth, fortran, fortran_pp,
haskell, html, icon, idl, inf, java, javascript, ksh, lua, m4, mail,
makefile, matlab, nroff, oberon2, objc, outline, oz, pascal, perl,
postscript, pyrex, python, rfc, ruby, scheme, sh, skill, Smalltalk,
sml, sql, states, synopsys, tcl, tcsh, tex, vba, verilog, vhdl, vrml,
wmlscript, zsh

 {{{ code ruby
 def initialize
   @compiler =

 def check_request(r)
   if r.method_number == M_OPTIONS
     r.allowed |= (1 << M_GET)
     r.allowed |= (1 << M_POST)
     return DECLINED

{{{ code  ruby
def initialize
  @compiler =

def check_request(r)
  if r.method_number == M_OPTIONS
    r.allowed |= (1 << M_GET)
    r.allowed |= (1 << M_POST)
    return DECLINED

== html ==

'''Try to use this block processor as less as possible.'''

You can freely write HTML to a certain extent. You can use this when you need to create things that general wiki format isn't capable of expressing, like creating complicated tables.

Script and style factors and properties that are related to events, such as onClick, are filtered and will not be outputted. Also, they will be outputted even without the tag correspondence, so you have to be extra careful not to destroy the expression.


 {{{ html
 <span style="color: #000081; background: #D0FFE8; border: 1px solid #4B78EE;">
    Now you can use style properties. </span>
 <font color="#810000">You can of course use font factors as well.</font>
 <table width="50%" border="1">
  <tr><th colspan="2">I want to use Colspan</th></tr>
   <td aling="center" width="50%">Table like this</td>
   <td align="right" bgcolor="yellow">Could only HTML</td>

Expressed as:

{{{ html
 <span style="color: #000081; background: #D0FFE8; border: 1px solid #4B78EE;">
    Now you can use style properties. </span>
 <font color="#810000">You can of course use font factors as well.</font>
 <table width="50%" border="1">
  <tr><th colspan="2">I want to use Colspan</th></tr>
   <td aling="center" width="50%">Table like this</td>
   <td align="right" bgcolor="yellow">Could only HTML</td>

== template

Expressed as a writable template, it will add postscripts by embedding contents that are written by users. Just like !LineComment, anyone, without minding about authority setting, can write in the enter box.

/%![0-9]*(x![0-9]+)?![imcutdz]/ is the format string text. Each letter has a meaning.

  * %i - enter box to enter a line of string (Setting the property to look something like%20i, you can assign size. )
  * %m - enter box to enter multiple lines of string (Setting the property to look something like %20x3m, you can assign size.)
  * %c - check box (When checked, it will be replaced to yes.)
  * %u - user name
  * %d - date
  * %t - time
  * %z - time zone

 {{{ template
 ||name|| %u (%d %t %z)||
 ||title|| %60i||
 ||details|| %60x3m||
 || || ||

== markdown

What is within the block will be formatted as Markdown.

 {{{ markdown
 #### Hello Markdown!
 What is within _the block_ will be interpreted as [Markdown syntax](

Expressed as:
{{{ markdown
#### Hello Markdown!
What is within _the block_ will be interpreted as [Markdown syntax](
